Stephanie Chiorean is an Environmental Scientist Specialist within Philadelphia Water Department’s Green Stormwater Infrastructure Unit, which is primarily responsible for the implementation of Philadelphia’s unique 25-year Green City, Clean Waters plan. In her role she focuses on strategic planning for the implementation of green stormwater infrastructure (GSI), which helps to shape priorities for project identification and development, and propose incentives to maximize stormwater management. Stephanie is also responsible for the development and management of GSI projects within schoolyards. Through coordinating with the School District of Philadelphia and multiple school partners/stakeholders, she leverages the opportunity for innovative green stormwater infrastructure into comprehensive schoolyard projects, resulting in reduced combined sewer overflows, creation of green space and education benefits. Stephanie’s interdisciplinary background includes an undergraduate degree in biology and plant ecology, a Master of Environmental Studies degree from the University of Pennsylvania and professional experience in urban water planning, policy and design.